Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Poo pile pickings!

Every so often I take the opportunity to do some poo pile watching on one of the local farms, and on a hot day it can become a direct assault on the nasal passageways! But it does draw the birds from the surrounding area  for the multitude of insect life grubbing around in the pile.
This year it was, a hot day and a fresh load had been delivered that morning, the birds were on it like the proverbial "flys around S**t", Partridge, Pheasant, Wagtails, buntings, larks in fact a fair few indeed.
So a couple of what was around on that morning.

This stroppy bugger twice had a go at the car as I sat waiting to take his picture.

The Male of the pair of Grey Wagtails nesting along the old canal local to the fast food point,

A N Other of the same Male.

The Female of the pair.

Yellow Wagtail having a re-arrange of the clothing! with food items flying about.
Followed by a few portraits.
Not a great diversity, but a fine selection.

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