Tuesday 17 May 2011

More Beer and Birds..

From the time of leaving UK the weather had a distinct flavour of the Mediterranean about it, in fact by midday it was hot enough to calm the birds down considerably. So in keeping with another tradition it was
siesta time.

Tired and shagged out after a long squawk!
Photo courtesy of Rob Walters.

A day wandering around the dune comlex not far from Waasenaar, and another local reserve produced some more nice birds as follows..

Tree Pipit
Tripit in song
Gliding to the perch

We could hear them everywhere but this was the only one to show.

Northern Wheatear

Common Whitethroat

Common Tern on the dive.

Meadow Pipit

Common Gulls

Ruddy Shelduck and Egyptian Goose.

There might be a few odds and sods to follow so worth a check back..

Thursday 12 May 2011

Twee bieren gelieve. and for me.

With a double Bank Holiday on the cards it was a frantic rush to ensure the old birding bus was in tip top condition for the trip to the Netherlands for some stunning birding and even more stunning Beer after..
. One or two of the unexpected were Short-toed Eagle and Black Kite, we missed the Booted Eagle by a day but got the Black Stork that had been floating around there for a while. The crossing was like a mill pond and the first place of homage was Brugge, for the now traditional Chips and Mayo in the town square,It was much easier to park as the town has now created a really good place for campers to stop for a night or two a bit expensive but well kept. And within stagger from the town. So a couple of piccies perhaps from The reserve by Stompwjyk Holland.


Just a few of the many to follow if this puter keeps going!!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

At Last! Some lovely stuff.

After suffering a severe case of the Computer Flu!! and some weeks in the repair and re-installation process I'm back...
So its a bit of a catch up this time round with a few blogs with various bits from here and abroad. Where to begin? Some of the local stuff I think and particularly one for which I have been searching for, for a while now.. after this ferocious beast that is! If your a Cranefly larvae!

But if your a Worm then the worst nightmare must be the Little Owl a voracious hunter of worms..

 A slight adjustment in position allowed for a better view for him that is, as his mate had flown just previously.

After a trip to Holland during the latter half of April for a few nice ones, I arrived back to some very confiding Dotterel on the Long Mynd Gliding clubs airfield and they must be the longest staying birds for years.
The early morning sun proved to be in the wrong position for the early start so it was back a little later to find cars tearing up the airfield!!! if the caretaker was to be believed! mind you from all accounts they made amends by offering breakfast for the hardy, with one English fried breakfast officianodo "Jim" finding it hard to resist!!" Dotterels and Breakfast hows that for a good start to any birding trip..

So update number one, done. I expect there will be a couple more from the trip, so see you again shortly.
