After suffering a severe case of the Computer Flu!! and some weeks in the repair and re-installation process I'm back...
So its a bit of a catch up this time round with a few blogs with various bits from here and abroad. Where to begin? Some of the local stuff I think and particularly one for which I have been searching for, for a while now.. after this ferocious beast that is! If your a Cranefly larvae!
But if your a Worm then the worst nightmare must be the Little Owl a voracious hunter of worms..
A slight adjustment in position allowed for a better view for him that is, as his mate had flown just previously.
After a trip to Holland during the latter half of April for a few nice ones, I arrived back to some very confiding Dotterel on the Long Mynd Gliding clubs airfield and they must be the longest staying birds for years.
The early morning sun proved to be in the wrong position for the early start so it was back a little later to find cars tearing up the airfield!!! if the caretaker was to be believed! mind you from all accounts they made amends by offering breakfast for the hardy, with one English fried breakfast officianodo "Jim" finding it hard to resist!!" Dotterels and Breakfast hows that for a good start to any birding trip..
So update number one, done. I expect there will be a couple more from the trip, so see you again shortly.