Thursday 26 September 2013

Saphire and Ochre, natural gems

Every so often it transpires that you are in the right place at the right time. And this time I was in the right place, just in time for a lovely sequence of Kingfisher shots from the local reserve. To watch them chasing each other around the pool was exciting as they turned, jinked, twisted and rolled the light was amazing as it reflected from these enigmatic little birds.

Patience this time was not rewarded,

Now we know who ate all the fish, along with Egrets, Cormorants and Grey Herons.
A single Eurasian Curlew presented it self for a shot or two before calling as it lifted and left.

Slim pickings I know, but it is after all the transition period as summer migrants leave our shores and the Winter birds start to arrive from the North and Scandinavia and further afield.
We will soon be hunting Waxwings again I am sure, wonder if the Winter snows will arrive as per forecast of end of October ? could be a cold !