Tuesday 5 October 2010

Good grief! it is still here!!! and his mate?

A late start on the Sunday morning, was really what was needed and expecting the rain to return with even more vengeance as it had in the morning, there was not a high expectation of there being anything around at the VP. After some sheltering from the rain it was of to lunch with the thought of returning for another look later. From the car park it was evident that the Black Tern was still on the Trout pool and then hello!! another one hove into view. A move on rapidly moving legs to the causeway was in order. Yep two were definitely here and the camera was about to be given a cobwebs removal burst.. They stayed fairly distant and at one point looked as if they were about to leave only to land on the exposed mud in VP,,, a quick! dash to the hide saw them go the other way again GRRRR!

there were no also ran's today so that's it for the time being the big glass is still very sick! so sticking with the 300mm 2.8 plus Tony's TC for the time being