Monday, 26 April 2010

Finding Hens Teeth !!

Well not really of course, but finding Grey Partridge in the county over the last few years has been a very hit and miss situation, mostly miss of course. This episode really started on a trip to the Poo Pile again to see if there was anything else around, as the last time Corn Buntings were in short supply in fact so short they did not figure at all.
After a little raptor passage, I was scanning the really large fields of green stuff, mostly watching Skylarks. It was a chance incident that got me onto a little reddish head as it popped up for a check around, and it was miles away, figuratively speaking. and so it began.

Over the next hour or so it got closer

Now it was very rare that I have seen Grey Partridge in the singular

This was no exception as the female came into view.

And disappeared again.

The changing light was a real pain.

Mind you two heads are better than one.

The male was always alert.

The grouchy old cock was in no mood for me being there again!

Grey Wagtails returned.

As did the Yellow Wagtail.

Now I have been locked in at a variety of places but to be locked into over a hundred acres of open farmland! never. Until Sunday, having been where I have the relevant permissions, for several hours, when I came to leave all the gates had been locked!!! oh bugger. as I was going nowhere fast I did some more picture taking. As luck would have it I did the Dukes Drive exit route, thanks to John the neighbouring farmer having given permission before. so if you go there keep an eye on the gates!!!
Again only two hares were in evidence

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