Monday, 14 April 2014

Well it's about darn time.

Occasionally, just Occasionally, you happen on some good light and a subject that has eluded you for years.
So it stands to reason that you tend to go a bit mad with the shutter release then calm down as you realise what you are doing is just wasting the valuable moment. Anyway, this is what happens when you calm down and take things easy and wait and wait and wait!!!

Matching colours!! waiting for her up high.

A quick soar around the place.

An unusual side view for this Species, I had to run like hell!

A Juvenile Med Gull at Venus Pools Reserve, a lunch hour grab.
Not a lot for such a long time with nothing happening locally but its all kicking of now with the Common Redstart and Pied Flycatchers in at Bridges and Dipper,Nuthatch and loads of birds singing on territories.
So with hopefully a day or two off coming along it could be a good week!
We will see.


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