Friday 21 December 2012

Birds of Sri Lanka

There are over thirty three endemics on the island of Sri Lanka, and to get to see all of them was a real special treat. Not all were photographed but a goodly few to say the least think I fluffed five shots .
So a few of the got's..

Alexandrine Parrot

                                                      Nice even if not one of the endemics

                                                      The following are a selection of Endemics.

Brown fish Owl

Brown wood Owl

Dull blue Flycatcher

Green billed Coucal

Malabar pied Hornbill

Orange breasted Pigeon
Coppersmith Barbet

  There will be more to follow over Xmas, Getting to see these birds was fantastic to say the least, but to get photographs a real bonus, the Green billed Coucal was about the most difficult to find, it is secretive and shy, unlike its close cousin the red faced Malkoha the Greater Coucal and the Sirkeer Malkoha.
Only one other led us a real dance around the jungle, known for the past ten years about and the size of a bamboo leaf it was extremely hard to find but success in the end, stinging trees, thorn palms and a few "Where you going vines" did their best to prevent us but we prevailed in the end.

So to those visiting have a fantastic Christmas and a brilliant New Year, OH! and come back soon..


PS. To see a larger collection visit

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