Sunday 25 July 2010

Crouching tiger, soaking backside!

At a bit of a loss the other day, I decided to just go for a walk, no bins, big lenses just my Compact. Why on earth would I want to do that? Really, I suppose, to sort of feel free!! and to see just what I could get with just the Compact with a closeup facility! and image stabilisation. The chance find of a group of Budlia on some scrubby ground gave me the first chance or chances as it turned out.

A Peacock Butterfly
  A Red Admiral
A  Comma
In the hedgerow adjacent I found these.
A Gatekeeper
                                                                             An odd fly?

Ptychoptera contaminata  a member of the Cranefly family.
Six-spotted Burnett Moth.

A Common Blue

A Hoverfly Scavae pyrastiri.

Another Common Blue

And just around the corner a small run off pond near the road.

Got me a Ruddy Darter.

And the scandel of the day!!! hah! in your dreams peewee!!!

So i was pleasantly surprised at just what was achieved with just a pocket point and shoot camera, the closeup function coupled with the IS (image stabilisation) produced some nice results. So why don't you give this a try for yourself, it does require some patience and strange crouching walking and pehaps a wet foot or too, but well rewarding.
Cheers Paul. 

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