Sunday, 28 March 2010

I went up a Mountain, and came down a confirmed physical wreck

I was looking at the bridge at Cound on Saturday morning, in the hope of a bird or two, and I get a call. "There's a Great grey Shrike been reported on Burrow hill fort, I'll pick you up".
OK says I, little knowing what was in store for this, what I can definately say is a frail human body.
A nice gentle walk across a field, after having been lulled in to a false sense of security, there it was, like some nemisis right out of the thing nightmare's are made of. Large malevolent and covered in those scary sort of trees dark dank and birdless. We or rather I stopped briefly to observe the sight, I looked up, and up and up until I could not look up anymore!! "OH bugger!" was one of the thoughts racing through my dizzy head. Oh well! I thought, you want a GGS ? then get on with it. Andy went of like a racing mountain goat, whilst I followed at a more sedate pace, somewhat more akin to my window shopping meanderings during a lingerie sale. Finally I managed, with some cajoling from Dawn , "you should stop and rest" I think more an excuse for her to stop!! "It's not worth it just for a bird", just for a bird?? oh how little did she know what a bird this was, but she kept me going, like a strong laxative! working through that resolve! until you have just got to go, on to the top. Well it was either that or another trip to Mordor, a no brainer that one.
I managed to get there, to find Andy and Yvonne admiring a real gripper.
OH!  and please,for goodness sake do not tell my physician.
And this is what it was all about.
I should add that we also got Raven, Goshawk. With Crossbill and Red Kite seen by Andy.

And to round of a goodly day out, one of these was got, sadly only record shots. for now!

A nice Male Ring-neck Duck, what a cracker he is to "Duck!".
A couple more to come. so come back again soon!


Friday, 26 March 2010

That bird again!

A visit to VP, a rare occasion at the moment! produced a goodly 4 year ticks, Sand Martin, Barn Swallow, Scaup, LRP and a diversion to the bridge! got me the fith for the day. Along with an unusual flycatcher SP!
probably just a tail flicking warbler?? or perhaps a Redstart soon find out.

SO! as usual a few of the pictures taken.

The Scaupy thing.

and again.

Female Mallard were being chased all over the place.

Two of the large number of Mute Swan on the reserve.

Looking a bit overworked.

The other leg sports the ring, so he! stayed, but is it the same female? or one of his daughters he is building with?
Keeping it short this time hope you enjoy?

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Working on the rain tan and wind burn.

The prospect of a long drive back to Devon, loomed ever nearer, until M54 and M5 back ups, tail backs and road works kept me entertained for a very long time. Don't get me wrong, I love going home to wander the cliffs and beaches but weather had a very different idea on this, as it persisted it down all the time and it was blowing close to gale force 8.
So after, what seemed like forever in the rain chasing Stonechats, tick, I managed to get a quick Shag in the outer harbour, tick. A coffee and good breakfast later the sun appeared for a whole 30 minutes and I got another, Wheatear in the grassy slopes above the cliffs, tick.
After that it was Rock Pipit, tick. But the rain was back and even harder. The gear held up really well, nice dry camera, nice dry me, well almost I forgot to reproof the boots before going damn it.
So some of the captures for the day.

So a little rain never hurt anyone so why stay in when it is pi***ng down get prepared and get out. The birds do thats for sure.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Some odds and sods

A trip to the North Wales coast for a few year ticks and a bit of local stuff has been the order of the last week or more, and still more local stuff to catch up on once i feel up to it!!
The Snow Buntings performed so well, they were within 6 feet feeding, a splendid sight indeed

And Skylarks at the same distance, feeding although a bit flighty!

Sometimes catching the refraction of the feather is amazing

The Waders were looking very smart in the early morning sunshine

Then it was a little of the local things

The Grebes are still displaying and chasing rivals

and even the frogs were performing in the warm weather.

So a few of the latest stuff , the rest, being processed as soon as can be.

Cheers Paul